RSVP Deadline Extended for Vietnam War Commemoration Coming to Blair County

October 22, 2019

HARRISBURG – The deadline to RSVP has been extended for Vietnam War era veterans who want to attend a Nov. 8 commemoration in Blair County.

Veterans and their families are asked to RSVP by Monday, Oct. 28.

Those who need a form to RSVP can contact Jennifer Mearkle at 814-656-6081 or, or Deb Pensyl Reasy at 814-695-2398 or

Eligible attendees or a designee from their family can receive a Vietnam veteran lapel pin being distributed as the nation marks five decades since the war.

The free event at 1 p.m. Friday, Nov. 8, will feature guest speaker Rocky Bleier, a Vietnam War hero and four-time Super Bowl champion with the Pittsburgh Steelers.

The event will be hosted by U.S. Rep. John Joyce, R-Pa.; Pa. Sen. Judy Ward (R-Blair/Cumberland/Franklin/Fulton/Huntingdon); and Pa. Reps. Lou Schmitt Jr. (R-Blair) and Jim Gregory (R-Blair).

Doors will open at noon at the Jaffa Shrine Center at the intersection of Broad Avenue and 22nd Street in Altoona.

Eligible veterans are those who served domestically or abroad from Nov. 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975. Veterans need not to have been in Vietnam.

Representative Jim Gregory
80th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jennifer Fitch
717.260.6335 /

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