Is This What the Rainy Day Fund is For?
Rep. Lou Schmitt asks Sec. Monson about using the Rainy Day Fund to balance the budget in future fiscal years.
Rep. Lou Schmitt asks Sec. Monson about using the Rainy Day Fund to balance the budget in future fiscal years.
Rep. Lou Schmitt asks about children and youth agencies operating under provisional licenses.
Rep. Lou Schmitt discovers the PDE has paid out at least $750,000 in a contract to create the “Blueprint for Higher Education,” and at least $100,000 was paid to Deputy Sec. Shaw’s former employer.
Rep. Lou Schmitt grills the Department of State on failing to implement the SURE system in time for the 2024 elections
Rep. Lou Schmitt asks Director Wiessmann what changes PHFA is making to ensure programs at PHFA are working again.
Rep. Lou Schmitt asks Sec. Kavulich to describe what Area Agencies on Aging do on a daily basis and which AAA’s are in noncompliance with state guidelines.
Rep. Lou Schmitt questions Sec. Browne on the purpose of the Rainy Day Fund and whether it should be used to cover overspending by State Government.
Rep. Lou Schmitt asks DCED if their review of agency spending includes programs that can be cut, Sec. Siger offers no examples.
Rep. Lou Schmitt responds to the governor's budget proposal
Rep. Lou Schmitt questions why the Department of Health cut support for individuals and families afflicted with ALS and why no other disease support line-items were cut.
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