Legislators to Host Vietnam War Veterans Event
November 6, 2019
WHAT: Lawmakers will present commemorative pins to Vietnam War era veterans. Several hundred veterans are anticipated to attend.
Former Pittsburgh Steeler Rocky Bleier will deliver a keynote address.
WHO: Bleier, Sen. Judy Ward (R-Blair/Cumberland/Franklin/Fulton/Huntingdon), Rep. Jim Gregory (R-Blair), Rep. Louis Schmitt Jr. (R-Blair), U.S. Rep. John Joyce (R-Pa.) and others.
WHEN: Friday, Nov. 8. Doors open at noon; event starts at 1 p.m.
WHERE: Jaffa Shrine Center, Broad Avenue & 22nd Street, Altoona
SPECIAL NOTE: Time permitting, Bleier will be made available for interviews prior to the event starting.
Media contact: Jennifer Fitch, 717.260.6335, jfitch@pahousegop.com
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