Programs in Altoona Receive Assistance for Community Improvement Efforts, Schmitt and Ward Say
November 18, 2019
ALTOONA – Several projects will receive tax credits through the state Department of Community and Economic Development’s (DCED) Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) to aid Altoona residents, Rep. Lou Schmitt (R-Altoona) and Sen. Judy Ward (R-30) announced.
“This much-needed funding will go a long way here in Altoona. The Nehemiah Project has already assisted a countless number of people and this additional funding will allow it to reach more folks in need,” Schmitt said.
The Nehemiah Project was awarded $157,500 in tax credits. This will be used for a new roof and the renovation of space to create a day care at The Wright Place for Kids. It will also fund a summer reading camp for 50 area youth, invest in The Mountain Lion Backpack Program to provide 30 students with food and raze a blighted property in the neighborhood to prepare for future housing development. In addition, it will be used for the beautification of Hope Community Playground, to invest in The Father’s House to provide 200 families with groceries and other household items, and invest in the Father’s Table to provide 2,500 meals for those in need.
“I am so pleased that The Wright Place for Kids will benefit from this helpful tax credit program that encourages businesses to invest in projects that improve distressed areas,” said Ward. “The Nehemiah Project does great work by offering valuable programs and services to children and teens in the community.”
“We could not be more grateful to Senator Judy Ward and Representative Lou Schmitt for your tireless efforts to advance the interests of The Nehemiah Project and The Wright Place for Kids. This public and faith-based partnership cannot help but enhance the opportunities for our targeted neighborhood in Altoona. This would not have been possible without their effort,” said Peter Joudry, CEO of The Nehemiah Project.
In addition, the Altoona Fairview Cemetery Association was awarded $27,500 in tax credits. The credits will help the association renovate the cemetery located near UPMC Altoona by improving the aesthetics of the cemetery while, importantly, making the cemetery safer for visitors.
NAP is an incentive program through DCED that provides tax credits to businesses or private companies investing in rehabilitating, expanding or improving buildings or land located within designated enterprise zones.
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Representative Lou Schmitt
79th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /
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