Schmitt, Ward Announce Grant for Altoona-Area Watershed, Recreational Space

November 20, 2019

HARRISBURG – The Altoona Water Authority (AWA) will receive $900,000 in funding through the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ C2P2 Land Conservation grant program to assist with the purchase of 2,450 acres in Logan Township and Cambria County for a watershed, Rep. Lou Schmitt (R-Blair) and Sen. Judy Ward (R-30) announced today.

“As stewards of the county’s surface water resources, the AWA considers ownership of this tract to be an opportunity to preserve and control another large area of watershed land. This valuable addition to our overall watershed property encompasses Kittanning Run, which is presently a non-useable, highly contaminated stream, but when treated using today’s onsite treatment technologies, has the potential to be a significant source of future water supply,” said Mark Perry AWA general manager.

The authority is in the midst of buying the land near Horseshoe Curve. After the transaction is successfully completed, the watershed would be used for open space, water resource protection and recreation.

“This project would transform the land into a passive recreational area for folks from across the region and will further help preserve the land for decades to come,” Schmitt said.

“The AWA takes great pride in the quality of the water it provides to customers throughout Blair County and has won awards for its technologically advanced facilities,” said Ward. “This investment will allow the AWA to acquire additional land and treat the water so it can be included into the reservoir, eliminating pollution and providing an emergency supply of water, as well as promoting conservation and outdoor recreation.”

The grant program assists local governments and recreation and conservation organizations with funding for projects related to parks, recreation and conservation.

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Representative Lou Schmitt
79th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /

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