First Responders in the 79th District Awarded Grants, Schmitt, Ward Say

January 17, 2020

ALTOONA – Several fire companies and emergency medical service providers in the 79th Legislative District will receive funding through the Office of the State Fire Commissioner’s Fire Company and Emergency Medical Service Grant Program, Rep. Lou Schmitt (R-Blair) and Sen. Judy Ward (R-30) announced.

“Fire and EMS personnel provide key services when we are most vulnerable. For this, we are eternally grateful,” Schmitt said. “As costs within the emergency services continue to increase, this funding will help ensure residents continue to receive the level of service they expect and deserve.”

Departments to receive funding are:

   • Altoona Logan Township Mobile Medical Department Authority: $9,192.44
   • City of Altoona Fire Department: $14,248.03
   • Greenwood Volunteer Fire Department: $13,289.53
   • Logan Township United Fire Department: $25,748.03

“Issues facing our first responders have been raised time and time again. The fact that so many risk their lives to help others means we owe a debt to these men and women to support their training and equipment. I am pleased to see this funding be awarded,” Ward said.

The grant funding is used to further the mission of providing emergency services. Particularly, the funding must be used for facilities, equipment, debt reduction, training and education. In addition, career departments can use the funding for overtime costs associated with backfilling positions while firefighters are attending training.

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Representative Lou Schmitt
79th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /

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