Schmitt Changes District Office Policies in Response to COVID-19 Concerns
March 16, 2020
HARRISBURG – To help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, Rep. Lou Schmitt (R-Blair) announced new procedures have been put in place at his district office in Altoona.
“In light of recent developments and recommendations from health officials, I decided to temporarily close my office to all visitors,” Schmitt said. “My staff remains ready to assist you via phone and email communications.”
The office is closed to walk-in appointments. However, the office remain open to handle phone and email inquiries. Schmitt’s office can be reached at 814-946-7218.
Schmitt is abiding by the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s guidelines on how to limit the disease’s spread, which includes limiting in-person interactions through social distancing.
The Capitol Complex in Harrisburg is closed to the public and all non-essential staff.
Rep. Lou Schmitt
79th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross 717.260.6374
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