Shapiro Spending Plan is Not Set in Reality, Schmitt Says

February 6, 2024

HARRISBURG– Following another budget address by Gov. Josh Shapiro that included spending more taxpayer dollars than necessary, Rep. Lou Schmitt (R-Altoona) issued this statement:

“Should the governor get everything he asked for today in the most expensive budget proposal in the history of Pennsylvania, the state will deplete its savings account and rely solely on tax increases on hard-working Pennsylvanians to fund the type of spending the governor wants.

“In his spending plan, the governor called for an overall budget increase of $3.7 billion for a total of $48.34 billion. That’s $2.4 billion in new spending alone. This is completely unsustainable and would leave the state and its taxpayers in the wake of financial ruin. What we heard today was the governor’s wish list. It was not based on the reality that people are paying higher prices for basic necessities like groceries, gas and utilities. We simply cannot afford to fulfil the governor’s list of wants and desires.

“It is now time for the General Assembly to craft a budget we will send to him. In the coming weeks, I, as a member of the House Appropriations Committee, will take part in budget hearings to analyze the state’s finances and work toward crafting a budget that respects taxpayers.

Representative Lou Schmitt
79th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /

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