Schmitt Bill to Hold Shepherds of Taxpayer Dollars Accountable
April 10, 2024
HARRISBURG – Senior citizens across the Commonwealth rely on their local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for various services, yet 13% of the state’s 52 AAAs are not meeting state requirements. To ensure the public knows the status of their local AAA, Rep. Lou Schmitt (R-Altoona) will soon introduce a bill to require the Department of Aging to display a non-compliant AAA list and corrective action plans on its website.
“Providing transparency and accountability is imperative, to not only policymakers, but also our constituents who use and fund these services through AAAs,” Schmitt said. “Providing publicly accessible information to clients regarding consumer protections and safeguards that protect the well-being and interests of older adults is essential.”
Schmitt’s legislation is part of the “Back to Basics” government reform bills unveiled during a press conference today. The legislative package is based on observations and feedback from state agencies during the 2024 budget hearings.
As of February 2024, there are seven AAAs that are considered non-compliant, and the information is not posted on a publicly accessible website.
“It is unacceptable that there are entities that continue to receive state dollars to provide protective services to our most vulnerable population and have been found non-compliant,” Schmitt said.
Representative Lou Schmitt
79th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross
717.260.6374 /
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